Air Filtration Systems

Breathe in……. and breathe out. Air quality has never been as crucial of a topic since the spread of COVID-19.  During the pandemic, A.O. Reed has invested their time and resources to research the best and most efficient air filtration systems for our headquarters and projects.

Air flow is a measurement of the amount of air per unit of time that flows through an area or device. Poor air flow can cause several issues that HVAC maintenance teams have faced. Some maintenance issues include: dirty filters, loose fan belts, fan motors running backwards and much more. A lot of factors can affect poor air quality, even thermostats! However, the most common causes for poor air quality is due to the improper distribution of air. The lack of air circulation in a space, pressure changes, erratic temperature changes, and other instances cause improper air distribution.

To avoid these challenges, HVAC teams install air filters to clean the air through heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Filters are designed to collect and hold many types of particulates and contaminants such as dust, pollen, odors, bacteria, and other particles from the air. This limits most particles but does not eliminate all contaminants.

The Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) have UV systems that are tested and validated against bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungus. UV systems are installed in the HVAC unit and/or duct work. These systems are designed to disinfect services and the air as it circulates through the ventilation system. The UV systems have been tested and achieved up to a 99.999% reduction on microorganisms in airstream and surface applications. The UVGI disinfects the particles that would not be eliminated from the filters.

Since COVID-19 particles last up to several hours in the air, the need for UVGI systems is essential in any workplace or facility. The UVGI is a low-cost solution to improve air quality; reduce the spread of bacteria, viruses, and mold; improve and maintain equipment efficiency; and save energy. A.O. Reed has undergone several installations of these systems in different projects as well as in our very own headquarters. We want to do our part in mitigating the spread of COVID-19.


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