A.O. Reed’s Optimization and Low Flow Program

On April 1, 2016, in response to historic drought conditions in California, Governor Jerry Brown issued Executive Order B-29-15. The Order declares, “the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) shall impose restrictions to achieve a statewide 25% reduction in potable urban water usage through February 28, 2016.” San Diego reduction is expected to be 16%. The State Board is expected to formally adopt regulations implementing this reduction in May. It’s anticipated this will result in the establishment of mandatory reduction measures for commercial and industrial properties and the institution of monetary fines for non-compliance.

A.O. Reed & Co., in partnership with Water Management Inc., is providing low-cost water assessments to California based facilities. The program will identify the most cost-effective measures to comply with the Governor’s mandate. Succinct proposals that identify recommended water conservation measures along with the costs and paybacks for each of the measures will be provided.

The following are collected and included as part of the water assessment:

  • Water Meter(s) will be identified and evaluated

  • Consumption history will be evaluated for a period of up to 2 years

  • Demographic and facility use patterns

  • Water pressure and temperatures

  • Evaluation of maintenance practices

  • Water use inside of the facility will be evaluated

  • Flow measurement of existing water using equipment (5-10% sampling)

  • Locating and counting water using devices

  • Develop targets for efficient consumption

  • Quantify water and wastewater savings, determine what measures must be completed to obtain up to a 25% reduction

  • Develop cost estimates for installing new water efficiency measures along with cost and associated returns on investment.

  • Delivery of report identifying opportunities for savings


The charge for this assessment will be per square foot and building type. However, it is expected that this assessment will become the basis for a contract to implement some or all the water efficiency recommendations. If measures are implemented with A.O. Reed within a 90-day period from the delivery of the report, then there will be no charge for the water assessment.


Sustainability at A.O. Reed’s Headquarters