The Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Fabrication Shop
A.O. Reed utilizes our 10,000 square-foot Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Fabrication Shop equipped with a 6,000-pound gantry crane where crews work seamlessly together to maximize the efficiency of the prefabrication process. Prefabrication begins with data from our Building Information Modeling (BIM) which allows us to accurately order, cut, and build assemblies to be shipped to the jobsite for installation.
Within the shop, there are designated areas that are permanently set up to accommodate their task. An example would be our plumbing station where we have hydraulic cutters for cast iron pipe, rolling cutters for copper pipe, and an oversized band saw for all types of materials. This is where we build bathroom carriers, overhead pipe racks, and other in-wall and overhead piping. The pipe fitting and welding stations are set up with an automatic plasma pipe cutter, multiple pipe positioners, and welders. This allows us to weld pipes of any size. Welding in the shop allows the welder to work safely and comfortably to produce quality welds. This is also where we thread and groove pipe and preassemble hangers.
The shop provides a safe and clean work environment for our employees where they can be more productive and use materials more efficiently than on the jobsite. This allows us to have a faster installation time and fewer employees on the jobsite.